
ÆTNA 85X70

- Easy-to-use intuitive touch control panel - High heating power, max temperature 450°C - Full insulation and thermal inertia to save energy - Quick temperature recovering after repeated batches - Even baking on the whole deck, avoid any burning - Extremely flexible programming to adapt to any recipe and type of dough - Recipe uploading via USB and remote programming - Strong durable construction - Modular oven allows for stacking 3 baking chambers
Construction features - Corrosion-resistant aluminized steel interiors - Inner holding casing made from galvanized steel - AISI 304 stainless steel exteriors - Double insulation on all sides - Double interior lighting - Door mounted on hardened shafts
Optional: - Fume hood powerful with Led lights - Leavening cabinet with wheels - Pizza peel hanger




  • 模型: ÆTNA 85x70
  • 功率: watt 9.270
  • 电源: 3 ph + N
  • 温度: 450 °C
  • 内部尺寸: mm 850x700 h.165
  • A: mm 1280
  • B: mm 1300
  • C: mm 1857
  • D: mm 380
  • E: mm 165
  • F: mm 850
  • G: mm 1366
  • H: mm 252
  • 净重: -
  • 包装尺寸: -
  • 毛重: -



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